LoveHemp CBD oil spray – review

A few months back I noticed the loveHemp products in holland and barret and eventually decided on trying the orange flavoured CBD oil spray with coconut oil, now before this I just had normal unflavoured CBD oils, as I’m okay with the taste ( some people cant stand the taste) The orange flavour wasn’t really that powerful but it really did mask the original taste of pure cbd! Personally I would really love a strawberry flavour or candy ! The tube is very pretty, decorated with cannabis leaves and the product information, what I didn’t notice until later on was that it says at the bottom of the tube it contains MCT oil as well as organic coconut oil. I was a bit confused about what MCT actually is and had to do some googling, ahaha

The coconut oil blend attracted me as I was thinking along the lines of throat health because of COVID, coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that help in fighting against bacteria, fungi, and several other seasonal viruses. Oil pulling, which involves swishing coconut oil in your mouth like mouthwash, may kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth. It is also great for your hair skin and nails, so this product is a win-win, I would recommend this product to people who are CBD oil beginners as its not as strong as some other products and also doesn’t have the strong traditional taste of CBD. For me this product helps me to be less anxious and more calm, at night it will help you to go to sleep but if you take a few drops in the daytime I feel it helped me concentrate while I was studying.

Benefits of switching to shampoo and conditioner bars

Most commercial liquid shampoos contain SLS (sodium laurel sulfate) and synthetic silicones to smooth the hair. These chemicals can themselves build up in the hair. They can also strip the hair of its natural protective oils and in fact cause an over production of oil by the scalp as it tries to compensate. When we stop using harsh shampoos, our hair and scalp are not being stripped of their natural oils. Our hair may now take some time to re-balance its oil production. This can take place from a few days to a few weeks.

Photo by cottonbro on

It is my personal belief that shampoo & conditioner bars are the way forward in the haircare industry, once customers become more informed about what they put on their hair & bodies on a regular basis we will see a massive switch to more organic products. The amount of unnecessary plastic bottles used for shampoo and conditioner products is unbelievable. We don’t need to use that much plastic when we can have solid bars that need no plastic at all ! I have created my own line of organic shampoo and conditioner bars that come in biodegradable boxes. Click here to take a look at my range 🙂

No Worries About TSA Limits

A traveller’s nightmare is having airport security raid your bag, asking if you’re over the liquid limit, or worse, opening your suitcase after a flight and finding out that your shampoo bottles have leaked all over your favourite outfit. Shampoo bars eliminate both scenarios and will make your case smell good, without destroying your clothes.,up%20to%2095%2Dpercent%20water.&text=Shampoo%20bars%20are%20mega%20concentrated,shampoo%2C%20meaning%20you%20save%20money

Concentrated to Last Longer

Most shampoos are 80-percent water and conditioners can be even more—up to 95-percent water. Why pay for water when you can add it in yourself? Shampoo bars are mega concentrated and generally last longer than bottled versions. On average, a shampoo bar will outlast two to three bottles of liquid shampoo, meaning you save money and extra trips to the store.,up%20to%2095%2Dpercent%20water.&text=Shampoo%20bars%20are%20mega%20concentrated,shampoo%2C%20meaning%20you%20save%20money

Cruelty Free and All Natural

Many brands that produce shampoo bars are striving to protect the oceans, wildlife, and ecosystems that are being affected by the mass production of chemical-laden products in the beauty industry. Many traditional bottled shampoos are filled with preservatives and chemicals that can strip hair of its natural oils and leave your scalp feeling dry. Oftentimes, these chemicals are not found in shampoo bars. Many bars contain essential oils and natural ingredients and are cruelty free. Another plus? Many shampoo bars are free of palm oil, an ingredient linked to deforestation and habitat degradation.,up%20to%2095%2Dpercent%20water.&text=Shampoo%20bars%20are%20mega%20concentrated,shampoo%2C%20meaning%20you%20save%20money

Beauty secrets of the ancient Egyptians

Photo by Alex Azabache on

Ancient Egypt, one of the most fascinating civilisations to ever have existed. The beautiful artwork and statues that are still found standing today or in museums are utterly amazing. The woman of ancient Egypt are depicted with beautiful faces and hair and are known to have toke pride in their appearance. I have done a bit of research for this post and found out that ancient Egyptian woman may just be the inventors of hair extensions!

More on hair extensions and wigs later on in the post… lets start with the obvious one first! EYELINER! what in the world are male and females depicted with all that eyeliner on their eyes on artwork/statues even on the sarcophagus. What are they doing that for ?

Egyptians mostly used galena (more commonly known as kohl) and malachite powder (a green mineral) for eye makeup. Galena was a black paint that shielded eyes from the sun, while malachite powder made the eyes appear larger and protected those who wore it. Both were applied using ivory, wood, or sticks made of metal.

Kohl was found to repel insects and flies and also protect the eyes from the sun, which is handy if you live in ancient Egypt. So looking pretty wasn’t the only purpose of ancient Egyptian makeup! Also the makeup was worn by men and woman and even children from rich and poor backgrounds although the richer had more makeup available to them and also finer boxes and tools to apply it with. Apparently some richer ladies had bejewelled boxes and applicator sticks just for their beauty routine.

Mascara was also used in ancient Egypt applied with ivory or bone made from kohl mixed with honey, water and animal fats to create a paste that would make the lashes darker and more defined.

Skin exfoliation was big in ancient Egypt with ladies using ground coffee powder to rub on their skin and also dead sea salts, it is said Cleopatra would travel to the dead sea just for her skincare routine.

Big brows were a trend back then just like lamination brows now only ancient Egypt was way ahead of their time. They would use burnt ground up almonds as an eyebrow pencil to fill up the brows and darken them. Almonds contain vitamin e which is fantastic for hair growth, so you basically have an all natural eyebrow pencil that is also great for your eyebrows! genius.

Ancient soap. Yes the Egyptians were BIG on personal hygiene and washing was very important part of the self care routine. Apparently they would use natural clays to wash mixed with olive oil so they were cleansed and nourished at the same time. Wow we need to go back to this in 2020 !

Body art was often painted on with henna!

Magnesium Oil Body Spray – review

Better you magnesium oil is a saturated solution of zechstein magnesium chloride, one of the most soluble of all magnesium compounds. Absorption commences immediate when massaged into the skin, helping promote natural relaxation.

magnesium body spray review

I think this 100ml body spray is a top quality product, the better you brand is one of my favourite brands and all their products are amazing and effective. My experience with this magnesium spray has been good, I felt a bit of tingling after I apply then my muscles definitely feel less painful and more relaxed. Too much magnesium can give you side effects, so I only use this spray once a week on my legs after workouts. I would recommend this product to my readers looking for a magnesium spray and especially if you have been diagnosed with magnesium deficiency .

You can read my post on the benefits of magnesium oil by clicking here, Always remember to patch test your skin when using a new oil or product!

L`Essentielle Rose Water – review 🌷⚘💧

Organic Pure rose floral water from l`essentielle suitable for all skin types, good for acne and sensitive skin. This lovely 150ml spray bottle is just absolutely adorable !Rose water in your skincare routine is an absolute must have you can read more about the benefits of rose water by clicking here and also learn about rose water in your haircare routine by clicking here !

Rose water can come in all different varieties some have additives or do not come in a spray bottle, L`essentielle rose water does not have anything added just 100 percent beautiful rose water and also can be easily sprayed anywhere on your body. This product is high quality and really good for the money I would rate this product a 10/10. You can see all the amazing products this company produces at

Rose water haircare secrets ⚘😮💇🙆

Rose water contains vitamins A, C, D, E and B3 which are good at strengthening hair, the vitamin will nourish the scalp and create a healthy scalp which will in turn promote healthy hair growth.

• Controls oily scalp – reduces excess oil from being produced.
• Reduces fizziness – Spray onto hair that is frizzy and dry everyday before you blow dry or even after you have styled hair, this will moisturise your hair and also give brilliant shine and keep bacteria away from your scalp. 
• Fights dandruff – Add some rose water to some lemon juice and apply the mixed oil to your roots and scalp using your hands to run through or a spray bottle. This will reduce dandruff very easily.

• Promotes hair growth – Vitamins will nourish the hair follicles and the scalp which in turn will strengthen hair and make it grow stronger.
• Maintains pH levels of hair
• Moisturizes dry and frizzy hair
• Rejuvenates hair follicles

You can buy rose water online or make your own at home if your lucky to know someone who has a rose bush, there are  also many hair products out there that contain rose water along with other ingredients so its worth researching on google for new products to try. When people think of rose water you don’t necessarily think of haircare, you just think about it as a toner or makeup remover or a spray for face and body.

dew on petals and leaves of rose
Photo by Og Mpango on

How to use Rose Water in your skincare routine 💆😜⚘

Rose water has made a comeback within the industry in the last 2 years or so, you can easily find it in shops and online. Although not many people are aware of the full spectrum of benefits rose water can have on your skin. A lot of people just view it as a makeup remover much like micellar water. In this post I will teach you the benefits and also how to use this successfully in your skincare routine 🙂

red rose on blue water
Photo by Og Mpango on

Skin irritation or sensitivity – rose water is safe to use for those with agitated or sensitive skin as the anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce redness and irritation.

Smoothing out wrinkles and tightening pores – Rose water is filled with the anti-oxidant and vitamins which help in the prevention of the signs of ageing. Rose water also has a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Vitamin and minerals present in the rose water will help in the providing the nourishment to your skin.

Gentle makeup remover – Use rose water as a gentle makeup remover by adding it to cotton or a wipe, you can also add coconut oil as well for a more effective result. No more chemical makeup removers damaging skin!

Not just for your face – You can spray rose water on your body to help your skin stay young all over and also spray on any breakouts to help with healing.

Adding lavender to your haircare regime 👏👌🌱

Studies have shown that lavender can help with hair loss and stimulate hair to grow back stronger. Lavender has been known for centuries to have a vast array of health benefits. Lavender can get your site scalp back to health in no time with its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, a healthy scalp means healthy hair 👌✅


Lavender increases circulation to hair follicles,  it’s antibacterial properties are often thought to help promote hair growth by unclogging the hair follicles. Studies have shown hair growth in bald mice 😂 So it must help human hair too, haha.

For children in the family lavender can be effective against head lice, preventing them and also killing them. You can add a few drops of lavender oil to your child’s shampoo and conditioner. You can also use lavender water to spray on their hair daily before they go to school. Also combining tea tree oil with lavender oil can be a nit killer too.

Lavender is antimicrobial which means it is effective against dandruff, so using shampoo and conditioners or sprays on your hair and scalp will be absolutely effective.

Using a lavender water spray on your hair before blow drying or after styling can also give your hair a shine and also strengthen and condition your brittle ends, you can also mix some argan oil and lavender oil with water then use a few drops in your hands and run through styled hair to add moisture and shine.

* Please note lavender oil should never be applied in full form to your skin or hair, always dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, or, olive oil or water.

If you have been inspired by this post and would like some beautiful lavender water check out alteya organics, you can read my review by clicking here 😉

Bristol CBD oil – Review ✌💘👏💫


Bristol CBD kindly sent me some 500mg cbd oil to review on my blog and I was so happy as I am a big believer in the health benefits of CBD, If you are new to cbd oils I would recommend you do some research to get yourself educated on why this is very different to smoking weed!

This CBD oil helped me with my PMS symptoms and also anxiety. It created relaxation and peace of mind, although I need a stronger oil for my anxiety as i can get really bad. Depending on your conditions you can start with a weaker CBD oil and work your way up to one that suits your needs. CBD oil is not illegal ! Its a very effective medicine, as well as a pain reliever and anxiety stopper its also create for your Skin, Hair and countless other things. Bristol CBD have top quality products and fantastic reviews and also a great product range. If you find the taste a bit bad you can get flavoured as I do hate the taste myself so I know that can put people off.

Visit for more info !

You can also use code : BREE20 at checkout for a discount on all products  😉💕👑✅


The rise of free cycling within the UK has created a new way of sharing and distributing items to our neighbours, friends and wider community. I love to share my old things and help someone else out! You should too, check out these websites below and please sign up to one and get started, do your bit to reduce unnecessary waste and also reduce poverty within the UK 😉

Dr Organic lavendar handwash review


This organic handwash from dr organic is free from parabens and sls. The handwash is formulated with natural and organic ingredients which are skin friendly. I absolutely love the fragrance of lavender and the antibacterial properties it possesses, which makes it the perfect addition to any hand wash. This product also contains aloe Vera juice and apple fruit extract, apple fruit extract contains several types of flavonoids (i.e., catechins, flavanols, and quercetin). Flavonoids possess antioxidant activity, which helps to protect the skin from free radical damage caused by things like UV exposure, pollution, and other environmental factors. Aloe Vera is also fantastic for skin, very moisturising and also has anti aging properties.


Overall I give this product a 10/10  


IRON daily oral spray from Review*

So iron contributes to the normal function of the immune system, supports normal cognitive function and helps with the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Better you  oral iron spray is an alternative to tablets and capsules, some people like myself have an iron deficiency and are unable to absorb iron from food. I had iron tablets from the GP and they make my stomach feel so bad and also made me so sick I had to stay in bed for a week.  The spray doesn’t give me any side effects at all and the tube is small enough to travel around with. I would give this product a 10 out of 10!


I would recommend this spray to anyone out there who needs extra iron, you can view the website by clicking here. Better you also have other fantastic products to choose from.