Adding lavender to your haircare regime 👏👌🌱

Studies have shown that lavender can help with hair loss and stimulate hair to grow back stronger. Lavender has been known for centuries to have a vast array of health benefits. Lavender can get your site scalp back to health in no time with its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, a healthy scalp means healthy hair 👌✅


Lavender increases circulation to hair follicles,  it’s antibacterial properties are often thought to help promote hair growth by unclogging the hair follicles. Studies have shown hair growth in bald mice 😂 So it must help human hair too, haha.

For children in the family lavender can be effective against head lice, preventing them and also killing them. You can add a few drops of lavender oil to your child’s shampoo and conditioner. You can also use lavender water to spray on their hair daily before they go to school. Also combining tea tree oil with lavender oil can be a nit killer too.

Lavender is antimicrobial which means it is effective against dandruff, so using shampoo and conditioners or sprays on your hair and scalp will be absolutely effective.

Using a lavender water spray on your hair before blow drying or after styling can also give your hair a shine and also strengthen and condition your brittle ends, you can also mix some argan oil and lavender oil with water then use a few drops in your hands and run through styled hair to add moisture and shine.

* Please note lavender oil should never be applied in full form to your skin or hair, always dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, or, olive oil or water.

If you have been inspired by this post and would like some beautiful lavender water check out alteya organics, you can read my review by clicking here 😉

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